sexta-feira, junho 18, 2004

Mr. Jana

I'll spend some time with you, because you proposed some questions and I loved it although I prefer some other guy questions, much better than yours.

So I'll quote your comment to comment about:

Ah! E em resposta à pergunta da Di, num comment de um post que já está nos arquivos, sobre o motivo de a ex ter raiva dela: Ela (a ex) tem toda a razão de se sentir ofendida com o fato de vc, Di, que não tem nada a ver com a vida marital dela com o Leo, e, menos ainda, com a relação deles com o filho, intrometer-se de forma tão invasiva.

You are saing that she can do whenever she wants with our son because she is angry with my girlfriend. Interesting poing of view, I'd prefer calling it barbarity.

Another point is that my wife is the stepmother of our son, so is envolved. I know you read the post where my ex-wife explains why she is doing that barbarity and I know you know also what she said to my friends about it.

Tenho uma amiga cujos pais se separaram quando ela ainda era pequena, e que até hj não se dá bem com a mulher do pai, que costumava falar mal da mãe dela e até dar palpites no relacionamento da filha com os pais.

Sorry about your friend, we problably understand her feelings much better than you. I know you could not even imagine why. May be, monday, I'll bring you a paper at your office. Don't forget you really don't know us. You don't even know very well my ex-wife.

Ela tb não consegue perdoar o pai por ele ter dado liberdade à atual esposa de opinar em assuntos tão íntimos e que não lhe diziam respeito. Pense nisso. Vc pode estar criando uma situação desconfortável para vc e para o próprio Leo, já que, quando começar a entender melhor o mundo a seu redor, o menino pode ter raiva de vc e até do pai por terem magoado a mãe dele.

The only thing you could not say about our son is that he'll be angry with me, that's impossible, you can't imagine what happens beteween us and that's one of the main reasons my ex-wife is trying to separate us, because she knows that we are very well connected, so even if she hinders us getting togheter as she is doing today, she knows our love is growing is she knows that our son will ask, early or not, to live with us.

Eis o motivo, na minha opinião, pelo qual a ex do Leo não gosta de vc. Vc deveria tentar ficar à parte desse assunto, para não se queimar e nem machucar os que estão necessariamente envolvidos e que não a escolheram para fazer parte e dar palpite em seus problemas íntimos.

I choose her and you know that as you're not stupid. Nobody should stay out, when seeing so great violence being done with a child, specially my wife when that chield is my son.

You could be taken as a curios guy, not her. She is being attacked by my ex-wife for six months now. I'm being attacked by her by almost one year now.

It's time to stop it.

At the end, you didn't explain anything. You didn't explain why my ex-wife is hard punnishing our son by whetever she thinks on me, whetever we have done to her. Thats the question, if she got offended by us, she should attack only us, not a defenseless child.

And if she hates my wife because she thinks, as she said several times to me and other friends, that I am not anymore free for sex because I love my wife, she should know that the only responsible for that is herself, because I don't know anybody else that abandons her family because of an Internet love.

Someday you could understand what is knowing that your wife, mother of your six month boy, is having an Internet affair with someone in Sweden, that sends flowers at his birthday, that call her at home, by someone that works for you, because your wife said it to directly him when she was talking to her new boyfriend in a cybercafe in front of her college. And even if you do everything she wants, even if you don't have money for that, because you know your son is too young for a divorce, she abandoned her home.

I've supported much more than you could imagine. I've wrote something about it here, but I decided to not expose that, because what I've already wrote here is just a small piece, very small piece of what happened.

Writing that could destroy, at least, the hope of a new couple that I'm desiring could rest forever, could destroy also my self respect, because no one could imagine how degraded can be the life of a man in love by a grown up lolita.

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